最近ChatGPT特别火, 吹得人把它吹上天了, 说它可以写代码, 可以通过美国的律师考试, 甚至说它可以替代人类. 但是我觉得这些都是夸大其词. 我对ChatGPT的看法是由于先天的原因, 他经常一本正经的胡说八道. 把它用来创作没准可以(譬如画画, 写小说, 反正本来就不要求真实), 但是用来做事实检查, 恐怕还差了那么一点, 一不小心就大力出悲剧. 对它的正确态度是知道这个工具能做什么, 不能做什么. 就像以前木工都用锯斧刨, 电钻出来了, 是个巨大进步, 但你不可能说电钻能取代所有木工工具. 电钻能做的事情, 用它做, 不能做的事情, 还是用锯斧刨. 用对了, 你会发现它是个好工具, 用错了, 你会发现它是个坏工具. ChatGPT也一样. 今天, 我们就让ChatGPT来进行创作, 看看它到底咋样.
从最简单的开始吧, 写个小游戏. 俄罗斯方块是个很简单的游戏, 它的规则也不复杂. 大家都玩过, 很多初学编程的人可能都写过. 我还记得2000年我初学编程的时候用Visual Basic 6, 然后窗口上拖了一堆控件, 用一堆button做出了一个可以玩的方块. 现在我们用ChatGPT来写一个试试.
打开ChatGPT, 发问:
can you please write a Tetris game in python for me?
它反应很快啊, 一秒钟就回复了:
Certainly! I can provide you with a basic implementation of the Tetris game in Python. Keep in mind that this implementation may not include all advanced features or graphics, but it should give you a good starting point. Here's the code:
import pygame
import random
# Initialize the game
# Set up the display
screen_width, screen_height = 800, 600
play_width, play_height = 300, 600
block_size = 30
top_left_x = (screen_width - play_width) // 2
top_left_y = screen_height - play_height
# Colors (RGB format)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
CYAN = (0, 255, 255)
MAGENTA = (255, 0, 255)
YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
ORANGE = (255, 165, 0)
PURPLE = (128, 0, 128)
# Define the shapes of the tetrominoes
S = [['.....',
Z = [['.....',
I = [['..0..',
O = [['.....',
J = [['.....',
L = [['.....',
T = [['.....',
shapes = [S, Z, I, O, J, L, T]
class Piece(object):
rows = 20
columns = 10
def __init__(self, column, row, shape):
self.x = column
self.y = row
self.shape = shape
self.color = shape_colors[shapes.index(shape)]
self.rotation = 0
def create_grid(locked_positions={}):
grid = [[BLACK for _ in range(Piece.columns)] for _ in range(Piece.rows)]
for row in range(Piece.rows):
for column in range(Piece.columns):
if (column, row) in locked_positions:
color = locked_positions[(column, row)]
grid[row][column] = color
return grid
def convert_shape_format(piece):
positions = []
shape_format = piece.shape[piece.rotation % len(piece.shape)]
for row in range(len(shape_format)):
for column in range(len(shape_format[row])):
if shape_format[row][column] == '0':
positions.append((piece.x + column, piece.y + row))
for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
positions[i] = (pos[0] - 2, pos[1] - 4)
return positions
def valid_space(piece, grid):
accepted_positions = [[(column, row) for column in range(Piece.columns) if grid[row][column] == BLACK] for row in range(Piece.rows)]
accepted_positions = [position for sublist in accepted_positions for position in sublist]
formatted_shape = convert_shape_format(piece)
for pos in formatted_shape:
if pos not in accepted_positions:
if pos[1] > -1:
return False
return True
def check_lost(positions):
for pos in positions:
x, y = pos
if y < 1:
return True
return False
def draw_text_middle(surface, text, size, color):
font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', size, bold=True)
label = font.render(text, 1, color)
surface.blit(label, (top_left_x + play_width/2 - (label.get_width()/2), top_left_y + play_height/2 - label.get_height()/2))
def draw_grid(surface, grid):
for row in range(Piece.rows):
for column in range(Piece.columns):
pygame.draw.rect(surface, grid[row][column], (top_left_x + column*block_size, top_left_y + row*block_size, block_size, block_size))
pygame.draw.rect(surface, RED, (top_left_x, top_left_y, play_width, play_height), 4)
def clear_rows(grid, locked):
full_rows = []
for row in range(Piece.rows):
if BLACK not in grid[row]:
for full_row in full_rows:
del grid[full_row]
grid.insert(0, [BLACK for _ in range(Piece.columns)])
for row in full_rows:
for position in range(Piece.columns):
if (position, row) in locked:
del locked[(position, row)]
return len(full_rows)
def draw_next_shape(piece, surface):
font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 30)
label = font.render('Next Shape', 1, WHITE)
x = top_left_x + play_width + 50
y = top_left_y + play_height/2 - 100
shape_format = piece.shape[piece.rotation % len(piece.shape)]
for row in range(len(shape_format)):
for column in range(len(shape_format[row])):
if shape_format[row][column] == '0':
pygame.draw.rect(surface, piece.color, (x + column*block_size, y + row*block_size, block_size, block_size), 0)
surface.blit(label, (x + 10, y - 30))
def draw_window(surface, grid, score=0):
font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 60)
label = font.render('Tetris', 1, WHITE)
surface.blit(label, (top_left_x + play_width/2 - (label.get_width()/2), 30))
# Score
font = pygame.font.SysFont('comicsans', 30)
label = font.render('Score: ' + str(score), 1, WHITE)
x = top_left_x - 200
y = top_left_y + 200
surface.blit(label, (x + 20, y + 160))
for row in range(len(grid)):
for column in range(len(grid[row])):
pygame.draw.rect(surface, grid[row][column], (top_left_x + column*block_size, top_left_y + row*block_size, block_size, block_size))
pygame.draw.rect(surface, RED, (top_left_x, top_left_y, play_width, play_height), 4)
draw_grid(surface, grid)
def main():
locked_positions = {}
grid = create_grid(locked_positions)
change_piece = False
run = True
current_piece = Piece(5, 0, random.choice(shapes))
next_piece = Piece(5, 0, random.choice(shapes))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
fall_time = 0
fall_speed = 0.27
level_time = 0
score = 0
while run:
grid = create_grid(locked_positions)
fall_time += clock.get_rawtime()
level_time += clock.get_rawtime()
if level_time/1000 > 5:
level_time = 0
if fall_speed > 0.12:
fall_speed -= 0.005
if fall_time/1000 > fall_speed:
fall_time = 0
current_piece.y += 1
if not (valid_space(current_piece, grid)) and current_piece.y > 0:
current_piece.y -= 1
change_piece = True
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
current_piece.x -= 1
if not valid_space(current_piece, grid):
current_piece.x += 1
elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
current_piece.x += 1
if not valid_space(current_piece, grid):
current_piece.x -= 1
elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
current_piece.y += 1
if not valid_space(current_piece, grid):
current_piece.y -= 1
elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
current_piece.rotation += 1
if not valid_space(current_piece, grid):
current_piece.rotation -= 1
shape_positions = convert_shape_format(current_piece)
for i, pos in enumerate(shape_positions):
x, y = pos
if y > -1:
grid[y][x] = current_piece.color
if change_piece:
for pos in shape_positions:
p = (pos[0], pos[1])
locked_positions[p] = current_piece.color
current_piece = next_piece
next_piece = Piece(5, 0, random.choice(shapes))
change_piece = False
score += clear_rows(grid, locked_positions)
draw_window(win, grid, score)
draw_next_shape(next_piece, win)
if check_lost(locked_positions):
run = False
draw_text_middle(win, "You lost!", 80, WHITE)
win = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
我粗略的看了一下, 使用了pygame库. 把它保存成个py文件, 然后运行, 居然可以玩了. 还有记分, 不同的方块还用不同的颜色表示. 这点是很出乎我意料的.
但是很快, 就发现了问题, 当一行被填满的时候, 会消失, 但是消失的时候, 上面的方块并没有下来, 而是悬空了. 如下图所示:
这肯定没法玩, 因为没看代码, 我也不知道怎么改, 于是我就问ChatGPT
your clear_rows has a bug, after a row is cleared, the other blocks won't fall
ChatGPT一贯的谦虚, 你说它有错, 它马上就该是. 哪怕它其实是对的.
Apologies for the oversight. You're right; there is a bug in the clear_rows function that prevents the blocks from falling after a row is cleared. Here's an updated version of the clear_rows function that fixes the issue:
def clear_rows(grid, locked):
full_rows = []
for row in range(Piece.rows):
if BLACK not in grid[row]:
for full_row in full_rows:
# Clear the row
del grid[full_row]
grid.insert(0, [BLACK for _ in range(Piece.columns)])
# Update the positions of the locked blocks
for row in range(len(grid)):
for column in range(len(grid[row])):
if grid[row][column] != BLACK:
if (column, row) in locked:
del locked[(column, row)]
locked[(column, row + len(full_rows))] = grid[row][column]
return len(full_rows)
我一样还是没看代码, 直接把这个函数替换掉了, 然后运行. 没想到更悲剧了. 一行消掉之后, 不但没有往下落, 消掉的那一行全花了. 如下图所示:
还得继续改. 很快啊, 它又给出了好几个版本, 我一一尝试, 但是发现有的直接运行报错, 有的运行了, 但是还有奇奇怪怪的问题, 这是他给出的第5个版本:
def clear_rows(grid, locked):
full_rows = []
for row in range(Piece.rows):
if BLACK not in grid[row]:
for full_row in full_rows:
del grid[full_row]
grid.insert(0, [BLACK for _ in range(Piece.columns)])
# Update the positions of the locked blocks
new_locked = {}
for position, color in locked.items():
x, y = position
if y < full_rows[0]:
new_locked[(x, y + len(full_rows))] = color
new_locked[(x, y)] = color
return len(full_rows), new_locked
还是报错, 我实在不耐烦了, 终于看了一下代码, 发现这个函数的返回值是一个tuple, 但是调用的时候, 却是把它当成了一个int. 所以我直接告诉ChatGPT:
this is even worse. when a block drop I got this error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/zhe203/dev/playground/PyTetris/main.py", line 453, in <module>
File "/Users/zhe203/dev/playground/PyTetris/main.py", line 437, in main
score += clear_rows(grid, locked_positions)
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'tuple'
you can not return a tuple for clear_rows. because in your code score += clear_rows(grid, locked_positions), you're expecting to return an integer
ChatGPT马上就改了, 这次改的很快:
def clear_rows(grid, locked):
full_rows = []
for row in range(Piece.rows):
if all(grid[row]):
if len(full_rows) > 0:
for row in full_rows:
del grid[row]
grid.insert(0, [BLACK] * Piece.columns)
# Update the positions of the locked blocks
new_locked = {}
for position, color in locked.items():
x, y = position
if y not in full_rows:
if y < max(full_rows):
new_locked[(x, y + len(full_rows))] = color
new_locked[(x, y)] = color
return len(full_rows)
return 0
这次终于可以玩了. 但是我发现, 还是有bug, 一行满了之后, 它不会消掉, 而是继续往上堆. 如下图所示:
这5个版本, 已经耗费了很长时间, 我有点不耐烦了. 觉得再耗下去估计它也改不好, 我甚至都怀疑它到底是不是理解了我的意思. 于是我终于开始读代码了.
我发现ChatGPT生成的代码还是不错的, 基本的逻辑都有, 赶上初级程序员应该问题不大, 定位到问题其实不复杂, 至少设置个断点, 跟踪几步就知道了. 最后我只改了2行代码, 就解决了问题. 就是把clear_rows的调用函数改了.
(earn, locked_positions) = clear_rows(grid, locked_positions)
score += earn * 10
既然它这么想返回tuple, 那就按照tuple的逻辑来调用函数, 奇葩的是第二行代码, 其实是Github Copilot给自动加的. chatGPT消一行给1分, 但是另一个GPT4加持的AI却觉得消一行得给10分. 我也懒得改了, 就这样吧.
用ChatGPT的确可以提高效率, 譬如让我从0开始写一个俄罗斯方块游戏, 2个小时之内肯定完不成. 但是有GPT生成的代码作为底子, 只要把问题解决了, 就OK了. 还是可以大大提高生产效率的.
但是你要拿它生成的代码直接去交差或者交作业, 估计还是有点难度的. 毕竟它生成的代码, 各种问题. 而且你让它改, 它也不见得能立马改好. 还是免不了读代码, 如果能读懂代码, 甚至能定位到问题修改问题, 也非一日之功.
最后, Copilot你是懂你的同类ChatGPT的, 我在写的时候, 它把GPT生成的代码的毛病都给找出来了. 如图所示: